

  1. I Hate RegEx

Regex can be annoying sometimes, and every developer might relate to that. So here’s a website that is technically a cheat sheet for regex string for common uses. Seriously, though, need a regex string for email verification? Phone number verification? To verify whether the input is an IP address? This website has it all!

  1. Markdown Guide

Seriously, it isn’t that hard. Just take a look at this beautifully written documentation, and you’ll be a markdown pro in no time! Honestly, i might’ve overexaggerated that previous sentence. However, markdownguide might be the best markdown documentation you’ll ever get from the internet.

  1. RegEx Visualization

Maybe one day you don’t want a regex cheatsheet, instead you want to study it. But sometimes, it’s hard to visualize what your RegEx is going to capture. This website visualizes what your RegEx string is going to capture. You can even input your own text for the RegEx to capture.